Week 35
So I am not really sure what week it is but we will just say I have about a month left. I know the math doesn't work out, but that was never a strong subject for me. It is fall here and we experienced our first New England Noreaster. It just rained a lot and the wind blew hard. No big deal since it wasn't that cold. We didn't lose power, which I hear is quite common here.
The leaves are beautiful and everywhere you look it is like looking at a painting. If you want to visit, the fall is the best time.
John is taking mid-terms so he is working pretty hard these days. I am not getting very many sub positions so I am pretty restless. I want this month to fly by, but each day seems to pass so slowly! Eleanor is restless too, she kicks and moves around a lot. I think she is also uncomfortable. Some friends here are throwing a baby shower for Eleanor and for another expecting family on Nov 5th so that will be something to look forward to. We need to come up with a contact plan for when the baby comes so that we can let everyone know what is going on. If anyone has any good ideas let us know.