Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Visit from Papa and MaMaShell

My parents came for a visit this week. It was really nice to have them here. They were a big help to me as I am still feeling sick. It was nice to not be trapped at home. We went out every day and did something. My dad has more pictures that I will try and post. We went to Jordan's which has a liquid fireworks show, a flying trapize, and bean town made entirely of jellybeans. Eleanor enjoyed riding in the stroller that was a taxi.
Today before my parents left we went to the Boston Children's Museum. It was packed full of kids, but we managed to have fun. Eleanor missed her nap so she was really tired. She is going to miss my parents so much. They tried to spoil her, but now its back to her routine.
We have been and are still on a water ban because of the rain. It has been raining for days. In just one week we will go from 30's with sleet, rain, and high almost 80 degree temps on Monday. The warm weather is definitly welcome!


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