Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Squirrel, Blue Nose, and Ping-Pong

So this will probably be embarrassing to Eleanor one day, but it was so cute I thought I should share. Eleanor has bath crayons that she loves to use. On this particular night she tried to stick the blue crayon up her nose. It was really funny. Thankfully she hasn't tried again.

We got a bird feeder and Eleanor loves to watch the birds and our friendly squirrel as they fill there tummies. What is so funny about the squirrel is that he eats hanging by his feet. Eleanor will tell him to get down. She pronounces bird, "berk" and squirrel, "curl". She can say a surprising amount of words.

John and our next door neighbor and good friend Ian played in the ping-pong tournament. I wish that I could say that the won. They lost in the first round, but they play often now.


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