Saturday, August 05, 2006


On Tuesday the 8th Eleanor will be 8 months old! I can't believe it! Here is a checklist of the milestones Eleanor has reached.
She can: Sit, crawl (on all fours), go from stomach to sitting, from sitting to standing if she has something to pull herself up on. She can say the m, b, d, and many other screeching noises. There is about a 50% chance she will sleep through the night. She used to sleep through the night every night. She takes 2 naps each day (1-2 hrs each). She is trying to feed herself but with not a lot of success...but she really enjoys trying. She is still nursing about 5 times a day. She is wearing 9-18 month clothes. She doesn't wear shoes. She still has her little rat tail and one long piece on one side of her head. She has two nice teeth for biting. She loves her mommy more than her dad (John disagrees). She can wave goodbye, clap her hands, and will mimic noises that you make. She likes the Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's (music) and likes being thrown up into the air or to hang upside down (a very good workout). She is very observant and loves to be the center of attention. When we are in church she loves to make loud noises and make people smile...we take her to the nursery after the singing is done and she likes that too. She has so much energy!! She loves puppy dogs, kids, and long walks on the beach.

She doesn't like for you to take things away from her that she isn't supposed to have (ex: the live bug she caught and stuck in her mouth). She is frustrated because she can't walk. She likes to scratch your face and will throw toys when she is unhappy. She screams so much louder than she used to. She doesn't care much for peas...sometimes they make her gag...but I will continue to offer them to her. She hates having her face washed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she is getting to be a big girl! I am packing up a box for you this weekend, I promise! I got your package and I ate some of the chocolate already. Thanks for everything!!!

She will be in college before you know it.....

1:26 PM  

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