Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Doctor's Orders

At my 32 week appointment it was disconcerting to my midwives that I had LOW blood pressure. So low that they sent me to my primary care physician for an EKG. Good news...my heart, iron, and sugar levels are in peak condition. My normally low blood pressure is lower even for me. This isn't a health concern for me or the baby (only if I pass out and fall on the baby). I just feel kind of like passing out all the time and I don't have a lot of energy. Get this, my doctor recommended that I drink more caffeine! I told him that was a funny recommendation. I will happily drink caffeine! I should have asked for a prescription for Starbucks and tried to see if my insurance would cover it! So if you would like to help improve my health, feel free to send me gift cards for Starbucks in any amount.


Blogger Rhonda said...

you're still funny i see. I'll pray for your blood pressure to rise on up. rhondasimone1@yahoo.com
email me!!

9:07 PM  

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