Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mr. Potato Head?

Eleanor has been playing with her Mr. Potato Head toy in an unusual manner. A few days ago she was making a strange breathing noise while playing, I looked down, and she had Mr. Potato Head's nose in her mouth. I didn't have my camera ready and figured it was a one time event...but today she had in his teeth and I grabbed my camera. She really cracks me up sometimes. Hey, I don't get out much so I have to find any little thing I can to keep me entertained. I still love being an at home mom...but I miss having co-workers. I will probably start up a play group this winter and I have been helping a Korean mom with her English while the kids play on the playground. Ever heard a Korean with a southern accent? Luckily she already know a lot of English, she just wants to practice (although I am not sure how much help I will be).

Mom and Dad left last week after spending 5 days with us. Dad says, "Eleanor sure does sleep a lot", and I think they were both surprised because she eats so much. Eleanor takes 2 naps (about an hour to 1 1/2 each) and sleeps from 7:30pm-6ish. She is still nursing 4 times a day, eats 3 meals, and about 2 snacks. Believe it or not, she acts as if she is starving before every meal.

John is less excited about his classes this year. He is taking intermediate Greek and intermediate Hebrew, and an Ethics class. I don't think he is challenged enough.

We have a new cell phone so I will e-mail you with our new number. If you don't get an e-mail from me in the next week or so, then e-mail me. We will still have our 423 cell number for another month.


Blogger theansellfamily said...

Miss you guys! Is Eleanor dressing up for Halloween?

8:30 PM  

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